Brothers all,
This month I want to share a quote with you and ask you to help spread the word for our Sunday evening Rosary.
"There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary."
-Sister Lucia, of the seers of Fatima
I would like to ask each council to place an announcement in their Parish bulletin asking Parishioners to join the Sunday evening Rosary. You do not have to be a member of the Knights of Columbus to pray the Rosary with us, members, non-members, ladies and children are all invited. I have attached an announcement you can use or simply insert the text somewhere in your Parish bulletin.
It appears our GoTo meeting issues have been solved. We will continue to use the old link which I included below. This is the same link that is in the bulletin ad that I provided a while back. See you Sunday!
K of C Virtual Rosary
Please join via zoom from your computer, tablet, or smartphone:
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/207373866-Zoom-Installers
Please join us Sundays at 7:00pm
For the March message from the WV Knights of Columbus Marian Devotion Chairman we focus on Lent and the journey with Mary. I want to share with you 10 steps to walking with Mary during Lent with hopes that it enriches your Lenten season.
Mary enriches our spiritual journey always. Perhaps we can consider living the Lenten season with Mary as fulfilling our Marian consecration also.
How do we walk with Mary during Lent? Here are 10 little steps.
Take up Mary’s spiritual practices, which likely included, praying the Psalms, meditating on the Scriptures, offering hymns of praise and gratitude to God such as her Magnificat.
Imitate Mary’s courageous “yes” more intentionally as you walk the Stations of the Cross with her.
Imitate Mary’s forgiveness and mercy at the foot of the cross where she also forgave her Son’s executioners.
Imitate Mary’s complete focus on her Son Jesus during all the phases of his suffering; and her intercessory prayer for everyone involved.
Strive to live Mary’s faith, hope and love, simplicity, sacrifice, service and obedience—even in the face of such terrorizing agony.
With Mary, sit at the feet of Jesus, choosing the better part—perhaps attend Eucharistic Adoration more frequently and read John’s Gospel, Chapter 19.
Take up Mary’s “beads.” Intentionally, live Mary’s memories! Linger in contemplation of the Sorrowful Mysteries, asking Mary to help you encounter Jesus in His Passion that you may love him more.
Consider when Jesus breathed his last and Mary did as he said, “Behold your son”—John the Beloved. She took him into her heart and brought forth the best of his Priesthood. Consider the vocation of spiritual motherhood or fatherhood of priests.
With Mary, receive Holy Communion more often, mindful that Mary helps you to encounter Jesus more intimately.
Console the Sorrowful Mother along the Via Dolorosa, perhaps offering to share in her pierced heart for love of God and neighbor.
Vivat Jesus!
Mike McDougle PSD, FDM
Vice Supreme Master - Fr. Edward Sorin Province
WV State Marian Devotion Chairman